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The spindle tube – also known as the height tube – is the centre section of spiral staircases. The wooden or metal steps are attached to it. The Minka newel tubes are manufactured using laser technology and have prefabricated cut edges. Along these, single rings can simply be broken off the tube with a screwdriver or similar. This means that the height of the spindle tubes and therefore also the rise of the staircase can be flexibly adapted to the room.

Scissor staircase

The scissor staircase is a special type of attic staircase. It consists of steps that are attached to each other by so-called scissors. This makes it possible to pull the stairs out and push them together like an accordion. For this reason, scissor staircases are a good choice if there is no fold-out room or generally little space available.


A stair tread consists of a tread and a riser. The term riser refers to the vertical side of a step. On our spiral staircases, there is an empty space between the individual steps as standard. However, a metal riser can be fitted as an option on the wooden steps. This is particularly useful if small children use the stairs, which is why the riser is also known as child safety rail.

Winding staircase

A spiral staircase has an almost circular course and winds upwards around an open centre point. This open centre is also called the stair eye. The spiral staircase, on the other hand, has a metal spindle in the middle to which the steps are attached.


Our exterior staircases are made of galvanised metal parts. This means that the materials are coated with a layer of zinc to make them corrosion-resistant, hard-wearing and weatherproof.


The U-value is an important term when selecting loft ladders and flat roof exits. It provides information about the insulating performance of a material. Therefore, it is also called thermal insulation value or heat transfer coefficient.

The U-value describes the amount of energy or heat that flows through a material when there are different temperatures on both sides of the material. The unit of the U-value is W/m2K (watts per square metre and kelvin). The lower the U-value, the more the material insulates.